Anushka (she/her/hers) is the founder of Avritah and a member of the Intersectional Environmentalist Council. Starting in the environmental space at age 10 after learning about the human health effects of plastic pollution, her passion for taking action against systems of injustice that harm both human and earth systems has only grown over the past decade. Now a student at Harvard and founder of the environmental justice and health equity organization Avritah, she hopes throughout her life to uplift the voices of those most impacted by environmental and public health crises and to activate those with resources and access to take action by following the lead of BIPOC youth and their allies. She is deeply passionate about health policy and reforming the healthcare system, an effort that is interlinked to the work that she does in the environmental space. Health policy and medicine are also at the core of Anushka’s academic interests and career aspirations, and she hopes to bring her perspective on their intersections with the environment to her research, advocacy and clinical practice.